Frank Curry

Agent, (406) 270-1065

Frank Curry enjoys serving clients throughout northwestern Montana from our Whitefish virtual office. His real estate journey started during his East Coast move to explore properties. Montana's allure, tight- knit community, natural beauty, and boundless potential are irresistible.


Thanks to referrals and friends captivated by Montana, he now helps people fulfill their housing dreams. Guiding retirees, vacationers, and investors is a privilege in this breathtaking state. It's been an incredible journey from transforming raw land to reviving properties. Frank is grateful to do what he loves, while positively impacting lives in this stunning corner of the world.


His strengths are helping people unlock the hidden beauty in landscapes. He enjoys guiding his clients through the often-confusing process of finding their perfect spot. There's nothing more rewarding than seeing someone's dream become a reality. Frank is here for you even after the sale, connecting you with top-notch professionals to ensure everything comes together seamlessly. He remains steadfast in his commitment to his clients.


Being a part of Montana West Realty is something I am genuinely proud of - it's a company that's renowned for its excellence. Frank enjoys working in this boutique agency because it's all about personal connections and dreams. Whether it's assisting veterans or those from diverse backgrounds, he thrives on navigating the intricacies of Montana's real estate to make their dreams a reality. He can't wait to continue working with clients and watching their dreams come to life in Montana's stunning landscapes.

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